Curr time: 2024-07-27 02:43:32
Current Date: 2024-07-27 02:43:32 DSPC Thursday Night 300

DSPC Thursday 300 League (v2) Reservations

The next match of the 2024 Summer Handicap League season will be held on Thu, Aug 01, 2024 starting at 5PM.

On line reservation requests will be taken until 12:00:00 PM Thu Aug 01, 2024. You may reserve a port for the subsequent match starting at 07:00:00 PM Thu Aug 01, 2024

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Create a new shooter record or update an existing shooters demographic record. Will not update relay reservation(s). Use Submit Request button below to enter or change a reservation.
Requested Relay* (# shooters) Position * Request Positions Taken Comments
Relay 1 at 5PM (2)
7, 8
Relay 2 at 6PM (2)
7, 8
Relay 3 at 7PM ()

      To see what you have reserved Click the FIND button above to access your data.



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(Version 2009-10-20)